Who took a chance on you?
In the summer of 2001, a couple of executives at Vanguard took a chance and hired me. I was unemployed, had been dropped by Penn without completing my undergraduate studies, listed three failed start-ups as my professional experience, and was not shy about admitting that people leadership was not appealing to me.
They invested in my growth and development, opened my eyes to the multiplicative power of leadership, and to the mission that drives every aspect of the company we were a part of. They helped me mature, encouraged me, and convinced me go back to school and finish my studies. Attending commencement with my mother, wife, and infant daughter remains one of the most special days in my life.
Take the weekend to reflect deeply on your own journey.
—> As you look back, who was present at pivotal moments in your life and helped you take the right path? What was the specific contribution they made to your life? If you haven’t already done so, reach out to them next week in a personal manner and express your gratitude.
—> Take another look at your journey. Who have you taken a chance on? Did you really take a chance? Would they recognize you as a key figure in their own journey? Make investing in others a cornerstone of your life and evidence it to yourself by keeping track of specific individuals you are investing in and the specific contributions you are making to their journey.