
Can you spot the ribbon marking the turn off this dry wash? There are two visible. These ribbons are common markers used in trail races to mitigate against one of the most significant risks in trail running… getting lost.

Wayfinding is a critical skill in trail running. Most organized events will provide detailed maps and stage aid stations marked on maps made available to all participants. Even after downloading the course onto a GPS device and memorizing maps and prominent features, running at hard effort in unfamiliar territory while making turns into barely visible footpaths is no small task.

There is a similar dynamic you must master in Corporate America. Information and data are readily available. “Toll gate” meetings are often scheduled throughout most projects. But like in trail running, you can’t just turn into a robot and execute.

—> Have you fully consumed and understood the facts available?

—> Have you applied your own judgment given the circumstances or variables currently at play?

—> Have you charted a path forward in light of all data available and circumstances at hand?

Challenge yourself to keep track of every meeting you attend this week. How often did you or another participant behave like a wayfinder? Take note of specific actions that struck you as “wayfinding.” How often did you or someone else at the meeting miss the opportunity to find a way through ambiguity, risk, or conflict? Take note of these situations so you can be ready to engage as a wayfinder next time.


You are the seed


Past, present, and future