Living through sound bites

Neither words nor pictures can ever fully capture the beauty that surrounds us, ever, and the Basilica de la Sagrada Família in Barcelona is a perfect example. It is so overwhelming that it makes me weep.

I first visited during my honeymoon decades ago, and seeing it again now was even more emotionally overwhelming. Every inch is purposefully designed to convey reverent human creativity. From the mathematical proportions that rival Fibonacci, to sculptures and reliefs that come alive, to lighting and stained glass shadows that produce radiance beyond the brightest rainbows, to sounds that emanate from within and which blanket the surrounding neighborhood, to reliefs capturing the most meaningful aspects of the life and message of Jesus, it is truly, truly and deeply, awe-inspiring.

The picture here is of the exterior and it is off-center because I realized nothing I could do would approach what I was experiencing.

--> Pause your workday and look at every pixel. Do you see the baskets of winter fruit? Can you find a cypress? Did you notice vents/holes in the spires intended to channel the sound of tolling tubular bells? Can you spot the modern-day sensors to track cracks? Can you see the reflection of its surrounding city? Is it obvious that it remains under construction?

--> Do you realize we live life in 30-second soundbites and TikTok clips that practically guarantee we will miss the full picture? Are you aware that major decisions about our lives hinge on catchphrases repeated by politicians and “influencers?” Do you see how often business decisions are colored by surface conclusions?

Life is not simple nor black and white. Challenge yourself to go beyond the sound bite and beyond the “gotcha” moment. You will miss the bulk of it if you don’t and eventually, you will just get it wrong.


Being awed


It’s true