I’m not angry
“That’s an interesting resting face.” When I asked my daughter to clarify whether she meant that I looked angry, she said I just looked weird. Mission accomplished! You see, I have what may be referred to as “Resting Jerk Face.” I could be experiencing complete and utter happiness but my face will scream anger and contempt.
There are many aspects of our personalities and identities we can’t or shouldn’t try to change. I can just accept that my face will more often than not send the wrong message but that is exhausting and, ironically enough, instead often triggers true anger and frustration at finding myself in such situations. I decided that I’d rather look a little weird or funny than angry or disgusted, especially when I know I will enter a meeting with people who don’t really know me and who will be judging my appearance before they even become conscious of my presence. I now constantly play with my facial expressions and often bite my lip or twist my mouth to avoid looking angry.
—> What aspects of your identity and personality are immutable and should never be changed? What aspects are perhaps maleable and should be modified depending on your setting?
—> What battles should you stand and fight, and what battles are best walked away from to fight another day or another way?